September 6 & 7, 2025
During this festival, you will get a free hayride up to the Gala apples and be able to pick your own, The cost will be $1.20 per pound.
We will be demonstrating apple butter making in the old fashioned copper kettle, stop in a give a try at churning and sampling the apple butter. *On Saturday only
Kids activities will include the corn tables, and backhoe diggers, tic tac toe tables all for free.
Lacey and MeMe will be offering pony rides. $5 for 2 laps, or just stop by and say hi
As always Lee and Emily will have the food shed up and running, with hotdogs, burgers, Mac and cheese, chilly and more!
Warm Apple Dumplings, hot apple cider, cold apple cider, apple cider slushies, what more in apples could you ask for? Pies? we have those too, 100% made from scratch fresh apple Pies!
Pop in for a little apple learning session! We will have a small amphitheater set up with a quick lesson on growing apples. In addition to the amphitheater please always feel free to ask any staff member about any process that we do on the farm we are always happy to chat about farming!
Learn about the different processes that an apple can go through. Apple butter is a highly concentrated form of apple sauce by slow cooking the apples to a point where the sugar in the apples caramelizes and turns the apple butter to a deep brown. Give a hand and try to churn this with us this weekend . *Starts at 11, goes to about 3pm or until process is completed.* On Saturday only
Even if you want to just come out and go for a free hayrides. I'm sure Justin will have a few of his rare 2 cylinder John Deeres out giving hayrides, or just for photo opportunities.
Also made from scratch, we make our donuts fresh each day, all day long so that when you purchase them they are warm and melt in your mouth!
Corn Stalks, Indian corn, straw bales, mums pumpkins and more to cover you for all your fall decorating needs!
Our bakery is 100% made from scratch! This is just like grandma made it, funny cake, sho-fly pie, Whoopi pies and more old fashioned treats for you to enjoy!
Don't forget to say hi to us, we are so appreciative of your support and business, that we enjoy being able to stop, say hello and chat to every customer that comes to our festivals! ~Justin, April, Lacey, Brent, Gregory and Lillian~
Hausman Fruit Farm
2824 Limeport Pike Coopersburg, PA 18036 US